Sorry to all those folks out there who stayed up all night in anticipation of this video upload, but your waiting has finally paid off! The video, in the end, turned into a lighthearted look at the different ways in which we portray ourselves on the internet, and how it can leave someone feeling a little jumbled if he or she doesn't juggle identities well. For a more in-depth discussion of this topic, see my previous post. One of the ideas that the video tries to address is how each of our identities is sort of an identity within an identity; each one is connected to all the others, but also is central within its own world. I guess this sort of goes back to the rhizome concept discussed earlier. None of these identities is the 'real' or 'central' identity, they all come together to form a collective identity. Now without further ado, here is the video!
The title brings your point front and center. The space age moog version of the "Look of Love" adds a feeling of detachment reminding us of the 1960s "better living through chemistry" state-of-mind that seems to run parallel ito the seductiveness of digital devices and online communities in the 2010s. The satiny vest of the Facebook user puts this video over the top.